DAY 3 Dukan Diet Restart 10.5 in three days ??

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Daily loss:    4.8 lbs

Current weight:    186.9 lbs

Total loss:    10.5 lb

Wt to lose:    32.5 lb

The first time I did Dukan diet,  it was almost 2 weeks before I saw any loss.  So why do I see on restart 10.5 lbs wt loss,  one year minus 8 days later??  Most important I will not fool myself into thinking  “Wow” one quarter the way there.

First everyone is different.  I learned, after weighing every day last year for 90 plus days, I have a pattern of weight loss.  I could go 2 weeks without any loss and then it would be a few days of lots of great progress and then nothing, no loss and even some gain.  My pattern.

I am doing great if I lose 6 to 8 lbs a month.  That is the bottom line.  It does not work out faster than that.

But still 10.5 pounds in 3 days.  This year I started cold.  Last year I was on a 1200 calorie a day diet before Dukan and that influenced my body. ( It was hard to give up peaches, blueberries, and mostly dry creamer for my coffee.)

I never cheated.  I recorded what I ate to help me stay accountable.  And I will do the same this year.

I will miss the support of my sister who started Dukan a month before I did last year.  We could diet together  a thousand miles apart.  My diet buddy.  Sis is in Ireland this summer, studying Irish this summer.  Eating Irish cooking of her ‘House Mom’ who sounds like a good cook who serves healthy food the old fashion way.

I still have her support thru her recipes and advice.  I just need to read last year’s blog.
Also a great support was my friend Sandi who I found on the internet. I was so discouraged with 20 and 30 year olds, complaining how hard it was to give up the beer or what ever.  How hard and what a struggle.  Wanting to be 110 when their healthy weight is 124.
Dear Sandi was found !!!  Someone who had some life experience.  Someone managing to be on dukan with a hot plate only.  Living in Dubai and later China who had little access our abundant American market.  Never complaining, cleverly sourcing out things like fat free yogurt and other things.  She had to lose more than a few vanity pounds to lose also.  Sandi has reached her goal and is doing the diet to its completion.  Blogging faithfully every day.  Winning awards for it as well.  Here she is

or Just google:  Flamidwyfe dukan

My meals                                                                                                          All  coffee black.

Coffee with dukan cookies (about 1/2 tablespoon of oat bran) 7 am and repeated at 3 pm.

Coffee with Oat Bran in custard.  One egg, one T Oat Bran.

2 cups of frozen defrosted vegetables with apple cider and splenda.

2 cup of shredded green curly cabbage with 2 slices of Canadian bacon one kosher hot dog (97%FF)

Lean beef size of tight fist ‘fried’ with ,one teasp bourbon, spry of olive oil, spring onion.

2 cookies to get the curly cabbage taste out of my mouth. ( 1/2 T Oat bran)

Lessons learned:   Wine, booze, still does not help the taste of beef, better save till off dukan.   Curly green cabbage does not cook down.  It is very tough and bitter tasting.  Buy regular green cabbage.
Call for recipes:  cooked cabbage. ( I love it but no fat please and no fruit.)

About kathlucky

66 years old and living in Alabama. First days on Dukan diet.

5 responses »

  1. You’re doing great! I’ll tell you my favorite cabbage recipe is to just slice up some raw red cabbage in a bowl, drizzle some olive oil on it and put on salt and pepper… Mmmm, Mmmm good!
    In regard to the beef… I have some pretty awesome one pan recipes on my blog. I’ll go look them up and send you the links 🙂

  2. Oh those recipes look so good. I have to be carefully with olive oil since I am just beginning. But I will try it on red cabbage. The other recipe looks great but I can not tolerate soy sauce and am so allergic to garlic. I will see what if it would work with Braggs amino acids diluted.

    Thanks a million.

  3. Hi Kathlucky,
    Just found your blog through Sandi’s (wonderful) blog! I can so relate to some of your comments. I just started the Dukan Diet on May 1 and have had some good success so far. However, I’ve now seem to have settled in to a pattern that sounds similar to yours where I can go weeks without budging (or even going up a little) and then lose. . . and then stop again. It can be so hard on motivation! I am 58 and feel some of that pattern may be due to being a “woman of a certain age”.

    My start weight was the same as your restart weight and I am working toward a TW of 152. Good luck on your restart! I’ll be visiting again , , , seems like you have some great recipes.
    Best wishes,

    • Hi Sarah I love Sandi’s blog also.
      I am about 9 years older than you. I got had a medical retirement when i was 54. Every year I get better but am stuck with terrible side effects from the medications I am willing to take. I like to complain about it alot so be sure to ignore that.
      It is a crazy weight loss pattern and it can fool you in both directions. Keeping this in mind, how much weight loss do you average a month?? Age makes a difference.


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